Revenue Reports with Travel Sports Pro

October 26, 2023
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Accounting Tools with TSP – Revenue Reports

Effectively managing your sports club’s revenue is crucial for the success of your business. With our comprehensive revenue reports, you can gain valuable insights into your income, outstanding balances, and payment details. This is an effective way to monitor the health of your organization from season to season.

Gross Income Summary

Start with this report as it provides an overview of total income, broken down by payment methods. It gives you a snapshot of their overall revenue, plus additional options to view by payment type (ex. credit card, cash, check) or by client, so you can see which clients paid the most money during that period.

Category Summary

In Settings > Categories, you can setup your own custom charge categories, to be used for anything you want to track. For example, you can track tournament fees, registration fee, monthly dues, camps fees, and much more inside our revenue reports.

Outstanding Balances

Quickly see who owes money, for the entire club, or only for a team (ex. 10U team). This revenue report can easily get your the list of players who are behind so you can quickly resolve these payments

Payment Receipts Log

See all payments for a date range with details. This payments report is great for tracking down what happened during a specific time period, or for showing a line item for all payments by type. For example, maybe you want to match all credit card payments received during a date range with each line item on this report. These payment receipts are automatically sent to customers for each payment processed. Parents can also access these payments receipts anytime by logging into their account and going to the payments page.

Income by Class

Just a simple revenue report that lists the payments received for a date range. On the left column is a list of classes, and the right column shows the income.

Client Statements

Select a season. Select a program (or all programs). Then you can get a PDF statement for all families. You can print statements for one program, or the entire club! This is something your clients can access, right in thier online client, for each payment in their history.

Unapplied Payments

This is a great report for finding payments that have lost their way. 🙂 Perhaps a payment was made against a charge, and then the charge was deleted, or a payment was made as a deposit, then perhaps forgotten. This report helps you get things cleaned up and assigned to the proper charge.

Again, we have many more reports available, and can make custom reports too! Our revenue reports are accessible in the Online Client settings, and can be shown/hidden to your preference.


Travel Sports Pro is free to try! Sign up for the early access and we will get you all setup!


  • Allen @ TSP

    With 19 years of my kids playing sports and coaching since 2006, plus a 15-year background in Web/Software Development, I fused my passions. So, this is a "Passion Project. Bulletproof processes and systems are vital to thriving sports clubs. I provide key tools for registration, payments, messaging, scheduling, reports, and powering websites, ensuring your club's efficient operation. White Allen
